
Music and Musings

My name is Greg and I am a musician, artist, writer, and lover of all things pasta- and story.Some of my earliest memories and fascination for the art of story-telling came from the moment I could muster the motor skills to hold a SNES controller, enamored with the visual art and emboldened to learn how to read. Mostly so I could fully appreciate the fervor of being swept up in the wings of games like Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger.I began drawing from game manuals as I was captivated by how mediums can create such enigmatic, strong emotions.
After picking up an instrument a decade later, it only further inspired me to access and express the power of my own imagination and feelings. Bringing it full circle, I have been working on a long dream of making my own stories in games by way of the same art and music that inspired me from the get go.

If you are looking for work on a project or possible commission, please use the links below to contact me and check out my work. Thank you!